The following code consists of the mix of values that shape our company, the same values that every person that is a member of NIRVANA CONSTRUCTORA should know and practice. To comply with the ethical principles and values listed here is a fundamental act for the harmonic performance of our job.
Honesty: Disposition to carry out our activities with full integrity.
Communication: Personnel interaction inside and outside the company, using human and technological means at our disposal for compliance with both human and business goals.
Team work: To join everyone’s effort, always giving the best of ourselves.
Innovation: Always using technology that allows for the company to develop.
It is very clear to our organization that the most important asset we can count on are our partners, which is why we’ll always work on providing them the necessary means to have an integrate life, not only on the workplace, but also on a personal, familiar and social environment.
Staff recruitment
We are committed to captivate, motivate, attract and retain the most apt people according to the competences, knowledge and experience required for the company. Staff selection and hiring are based on their capability, skills, ability to develop and professional experience. The selection and hiring process is done based on existing laws, and is explicit both in the interviews, as well as in the contract of service and internal work regulations.
Commitments to our people
1. Promote a friendly work environment, in healthy and safe conditions.
2. To respect your dignity, freedom and privacy.
3. To fight discrimination; whether on grounds of gender, marital status, age, religion, race, political opinion, social and economic class, pregnancy, dialect,ethnicity, nationality, sexual preference or disability.
4. All forms of sexual and verbal harassment are prohibited, and if present, actions will be taken according to this code, to internal work regulations and as well as all applicable laws.
5. Provide training and professional development.
6. To respect the dignity of people, and take into account their work, family and civic conditions.
7. Encourage teamwork and communication.
8. Enforce workers’ human rights at the same time as demand compliance with their duties.
9. Provide our staff the opportunity to openly discuss their concerns, ideas and suggestions.
10. Respect and comply with laws and regulations.
Our people’s commitment with the company
1. Our staff must comply with all laws, regulations and current ordinances, as wellas rules, policies, and internal control procedures established by the company.
2. The staff shall act respectfully and honestly at all levels based on the values set forth in this code.
3. Personnel must refrain from disclosing confidential company information regarding processes, customer information, methods and negotiation strategies, plans, projects, technical or any other data.
4. Pressures of any kind should not be accepted (political, social, corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery,) which threaten the integrity of our company.
5. The staff is responsible for the custody and safekeeping of assets that are under their control. In no case should they participate, influence, or allow situations or actions that involve theft, misuse, lending, disposal or sale of assets, in an unauthorized manner.
6. It is forbidden to use and/or sell drugs or substances, as well as alcoholic consumption in the facilities of the company and in the workplace contracted by our clients.
7. It is prohibited to use the name of the company for personal gain.
1. We guarantee compliance with applicable laws for hiring our services.
2. Our commitment is to meet the needs of our customers, because they are our reason of existing.
3. There is no discrimination of any kind for selecting customers, our priority is based on business criteria and in terms of equity.
4. We offer written clear terms in the negotiations with our customers. We comply at all times with the obligations assumed in the negotiations.
5. We consider constant communication with our customers as the pillar for the success of our company.
6. We assume complaints, suggestions and improvements in a professional and pertinent manner.
7. At all times we promote loyal, open and fair competition, based both in laws and in our values.
8. We encourage our customers compliance with the provisions of this Code of Ethics and Conduct, we recommend that they carry out their activities under the framework of existing laws and company policies.
1. It is our duty that relations with our suppliers are always handled transparently, without creating false expectations in a context of respect that allows granting of equal opportunities. We manage relationships with our suppliers with transparency, honesty, equal opportunities, respect and integrity.
2. We contribute to strengthen the market by hiring, in the first instance, those local suppliers who meet the requirements for hiring our services.
3. Negotiations with suppliers should be clearly defined in writing as it is our priority to avoid misleading areas.
4. Purchase decisions in our company are based on efficiency, quality, service, economy and reliability.
5. We comply rigorously with applicable laws and stipulations that authorities require for the area of our business.
6. We promote compliance with the terms of this Code of Ethics and Conduct with our suppliers, we recommend that their activities are carried out under the framework of existing laws and company policies.
7. NIRVANA staff shall not receive commissions, fees, compensations or bonuses, as this may compromise or appear to compromise the objectivity to make decisions on current or future negotiations.
1. We fulfill the demands generated for social and economic development of our state and national and international trends.
2. We promote a consciousness of active participation with social responsibility, with affinity and relevance of the needs of society to which we belong with either owned or sponsored programs.
3. We promote and encourage our community to be part of our commitment to take care and conserve the environment.
4. Not being oblivious to the problems that affect our society, we are committed to continue participating, contributing and spreading causes related to our values and principles, as well as building strategic partnerships to achieve a great social impact.
1. Interest groups considered by our company must know, comply with and promote compliance with laws, regulations, rules and other applicable laws, established by the government.
2. It is our commitment to contribute to the government, as it's an activity promoter that fosters economic, social, environmental, educational, sports and cultural development in our society.
3. The relationship of the company with the government must at all times adhere to the principles and values promoted by the company itself and in compliance with applicable laws.
All forms of bribery are illegal and unethical. We will investigate any allegations of corruption and take disciplinary action and, where appropriate, legal consequences against those involved.
NIRVANA CONSTRUCTORA reserves the right to verify that their partners, customers and suppliers are in compliance as set out in the Code of Ethics and Conduct. In case NIRVANA determines any condition that violates the code, whether stablished or not, we may notify our partners, customers and suppliers about the corrective action, or may terminate any contract, agreement or relationship that does not comply with the rules established herein.
The Ethics and Conduct Committee consists of NIRVANA CONSTRUCTORA personnel from different areas or departments, which are distinguished and recognized for their exemplary careers, have a holistic view of the company and are committed to their role.
These are the obligations of the Ethics and Conduct Committee:
● Must ensure proper diffusion and application of this Code of Ethics with all stakeholders.
● Promote the values and behaviors that are described in the Code of Ethics.
● To update and adjust the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
● Approve the members of the Committee.
● Investigate and document cases selectively.
● Shall have a meeting every time a case study is necessary and will have the power to create laws for decisions to equal or similar cases.
● Decisions and sanctions should be taken after situational analysis and accepted by a majority of the Committee members.
● Octavio Armando Martínez López
Our employees must report any situation or behavior that could affect the performance and reputation of the company, including violations of standards and to the Code of Conduct of the company. For that reason you might contact your immediate superior or the Human Resources Department of the company.